Product comparison

Simplicity Classic Elegance Treasured
Frame size in cm. 35x35 55x35 65x45 75x55
Max bouquet size in cm. 30x30
No stems.
30x50 40x60 35x60
Standard inclusions
Care tips for
your bouquet.
x x x x
Packing instructions. x x x x
Pick up of the flowers x x x x
Preservation. x x x x
Colour enhancement. x x x x
Fumigation. x x x x
Construction of
a basic frame.
x x x x
Acid-free lignin-free
x x x x
99% UV Protection
x x x x
Tape box back. x x x x
Hangers & wire. x x x x
Insect inhibitors. x x x x
Moisture inhibitors. x x x x
Atmospherically sealed x x x x
Mounting your flowers
into the frame.
x x x x
Delivery of your frame. x x x x
Hanging &
care instruction.
x x x x
Buttonhole. x x x
Plaque. x x
Photo. x x
Marriage certificate. x